Angers Château

Angers’ lovely Château
From the castle ramparts you have a magnificent view of the Maine River.

Angers, View of the Maine River
The Gardens
Beautiful gardens flourish where once a moat existed and I enjoyed viewing them every time I was within vicinity of the Château.

Moat Gardens
In 2011, if you descended the St Maurice steps leading to the river from the Cathedral, you could turn left at the fountain and approach the Château from the back. This is an excellent walk with a covered arbor and flowers. You also get a feel for the immensity of the walls of the Château as they tower above you.

Rose garden behind the Château

Entrance to rose arbor behind the Château
A Bit of History
This 13th century fortress was built under the reign of St Louis. It is pentagon in shape with 17 huge towers. On the north side of the Château is the City Gate with a drawbridge.

Château Gate
Inside the Château, the Dukes Chapel contains the funerary statue of Pierre Donadieu de Puycharic. He served as palace governor in 1585, known for his loyalty to the royal family during the religious wars. This statue is the work of the French sculptor Jacques Sarrazin of the court of Louis XIII.
Besides the gardens which surround the Château, you will find beautiful wild flower gardens inside the Château as well as perfectly manicured gardens.

Gardens inside the Château

Gardens inside the Château

View of St Maurice Cathedral from the Château
There is a small fee to enter the Château but if you go on July 14 (Bastille Day) the entry is free.
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