Art Nouveau Style in the 10th
Probably the most well-known Art Nouveau style in Paris is by Hector Guimard. Guimard designed the Metro stops like the one you see below. Just about any Paris visitor who has been to Montmartre has passed through this iconic metro stop!

Abbesses Metro – Hector Guimard

Abbesses Metro – Hector Guimard
Art Nouveau style at #14 rue d’Abbeville
I found today’s beautiful Art Nouveau style in the 10th at 14-16 rue d’Abbeville. It is a mere 500 meters from Gare du Nord (according to Google maps) and only a 6-7 minute walk. Built in 1901, Alexandre Bigot (1862-1927) and Edouard Autant (1872-1964) are the architects credited with the beautiful art work found at #14.

Art Nouveau, Paris
On this particular morning, I had three hours before my train departed for London. With the beautiful sunny weather in my favor, I took the opportunity to photograph these amazing buildings. The building at #14 is 6 stories high and covered in a jungle of vines, leaves and flowers. Although carved of stone, the green coloring reminded me of the color that copper attains as it weathers.
These trailing vines and plants, as well as sculptures of women reflect the typical of Art Nouveau style. Even the balconies display the imagery of vines and plants. The ironwork of the door is reminiscent of a thistle plant.

I just wish this owl and bat (is it truly a bat?) had been at a lower level so that I could have had a bit better view. However, I must say that I’m super pleased with the photo results as I had packed my “big” camera and left the luggage at the hotel so these photos were are taken with my Lumia Windows phone!

The owl and a bat seemingly preside over the comings and goings on the street.
In the early part of the morning, it seems there is always some sort of delivery truck trying to thwart my attempts at a good clean photograph. Even though the street was narrow, I really wanted to try for a better view of this amazing door and its lintel. I waited about half an hour to see if this truck would leave but finally had to return to the Gare to check in for my Eurostar train.

Thistle adorns the door.
Art Nouveau style at 16 rue d’Abbeville
At #16, which is on the corner and partly facing rue du Faubourg-Poissonièrie, I found this beautiful building ornamented with sculptures of women. Architect George Massa receives credit for this façade. The draped female figures on buildings such as this are called caryatids and usually serve as an architectural support feature.

Georges Massa, architect

Corner facing rue Faubourg-Poissoniere
Not quite one level high, these beautiful stone women stand like guards to the era of the Belle-Epoque in France.

Art Nouveau, 14 rue d’Abbeville
On this building, the same floral ornamentation abounds, though not as overt as that found at #14! The balconies also reflect a similar vine pattern. However, for me, it is the coloring of the building at #16 that makes it so striking.

More floral details

Note the vine and floral details of the iron balcony and the women’s heads which support the window.
Where to Find this Art Nouveau Style in the 10th
Walking this street reminded me to always look above the ground level of the buildings as I play the part of a flaneur. Approaching these two building from the direction of Gare du Nord, it would be easy to miss their beauty because you tend to focus on the traffic in the busy intersection!

Such an easy walk from Gare du Nord!
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