Crêpes are Both Yummy to Eat and Fun to Make

Tossing the crêpes to turn them is not a requirement but it sure is fun!
500 gr de farine (approximately 2.2 cups of flour)
une pincée de sel (a pinch of salt)
4 cuillères à soupe d’huile (4 tablespoons of oil)
6 œufs (6 eggs)
1 litre de lait ( approximately 4.2 cups of milk)
du sucre en poudre (a small amount of powdered sugar)
Directions (French and English)
Mélanger la farine et les oeufs et le sel (Mix the flour, eggs and salt)
Ajouter petit à petit le lait (add the milk, little by little)
puis l’huile et le sucre (then add the oil and 1 tsp – 1tab sugar)
C’est prêt s’il n’y a pas de grumeaux! Sinon passer le tout au tamis. (If it is lumpy, pass it through a strainer.)
Heat a non-stick 10inch skillet over medium heat. Pour a bit of oil in a shallow dish and wipe the skillet with a paper towel dampened with the oil between each crepe that is made.

Swirl the pan so that the batter coats the bottom
Pour about 1/4 cup of batter into the pan and tip the pan in a circular motion to cover the entire bottom of the skillet. The crêpe will begin to look dry as it cooks. Use a spatula to lift the edge to check for cooking stage. You want the crêpe to be only lightly golden.

The crêpe should slide easily in the pan if ready to turn over.
If it is ready to turn, you will be able to slide the crêpe back and forth in the skillet when you “shake” the skillet back and forth. Either flip from the skillet or use a spatula to assist as you turn the crepe over.
Stack cooked crepes on a warm dinner plate and try not to eat them as fast as you cook them!
You can spread with Nutella (my favorite choice), powdered sugar, your favorite jam or fill with berries and top with whipped cream.
Bon Appetit!
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