Reims Cathedral of Notre-Dame
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims ( Reims Cathedral )
Reims Cathedral, long the coronation site of French kings, dates back to 496.A.D. Well, at least the site where the cathedral sets dates to 496. Prior to the cathedral, Roman-Gallo baths were located on this site.
Notre-Dame de Reims Cathedral is where the bishop of Reims, Saint-Remi, baptized Clovis King of France. We found the tomb of Saint-Remi in the present day church of Saint-Remi.

Reims to infinity
This black and white photo demonstrates the enormity of length of this grand cathedral. From this perspective, it appears to go on forever.
The rose window of the north transept dates only slightly later than the apse and its theme is creation. If you view this window from the exterior you will see Adam and Eve on each side of the window.
In the axial chapel (the apse behind the altar) you will find present day stained glass by Marc Chagall. The left window contains scenes from the Old Testament while the center contains scenes of the resurrection of Christ. The right window contains the tree of Jesse which extends symbolically to include the royalty of France.

Marc Chagall’s stained glass
The Great Rose window on the front façade is dedicated to Our Lady (Notre Dame) the Virgin Mary while the smaller rose window beneath it represents the Litanies of Mary.

Rose Windows
The organ-case is Gothic in style and the organ itself has about 6742 pipes.
My favorite part of Chartres Cathedral, the labyrinth, could also be found at Reims at one time. Unfortunately, the labyrinth at Reims was destroyed in the late 1700s.
Exterior Architecture of Reims Cathedral
On the exterior of the cathedral, the central porch is dedicated to the Saints of the Church of Reims. The western central portal is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Located on the tympanum above the Great Rose window on the western side we saw the reliefs of David and Goliath. Above this we noted the Kings Gallery portraying the anointed Kings of the Old Testament.
There are 63 statues here averaging 4.5 meters in height. In the center of these Kings we see Clovis, the first King of France (496 a.d.) baptized and crowned at Reims.

Great Rose window on western facade.

Kings Gallery of the Cathedral
On the northern doorway is l’ange au sourire, the smiling angel. She is the symbol for the city of Reims. If you look closely at the sculptures on the Cathedral, you will find many carved angels, one of which is very similar to the Smiling Angel.
Taking a tour to the top of the Cathedral provides up close views of the sculpture work, the interior structure of the Cathedral, and of the city of Reims itself. The detail of the iron work and massive size of the stone sculptures is quite impressive. You can also have close up look at the flying buttresses which are characteristic of the Gothic style.

One of the many smiling angels of Reims

L’ange qui sourire

Angels among us

Centuries of weather take their toll on delicate faces

Angel of Reims
Below are view of the top and of the city of Reims as seen from the top of this beautiful cathedral.

Rafters inside at that top of the cathedral

Flying Buttress

Reims city view from the top of the cathedral
Mon histoire en français…
La cathédrale de Reims, qui était le site du couronnement des rois français, date de 496 après JC. Avant qu’il y avait une cathédrale ici, il y avait des thermes gallo-romains. Saint-Rémi a baptisé Clovis ici, le premier acte de l’onction royale.
Je préfère le plus ma photographie monochrome pour mieux démontrer la longueur de cette cathédrale. À mon avis, elle semble se continuer pour l’éternité.
Dans le transept nord, la rosace a le thème de la création. À l’extérieur on peut voir les statues d’Adam et d’Ève à chaque côté de la rosace. Les vitraux derrière l’autel sont de Marc Chagall. À gauche ce sont des images de l’Ancien Testament ; au centre ce sont les images de la résurrection du Christ. Enfin, à la droite on trouve l’arbre de Jesse qui inclut, symboliquement, la royauté de France.
La grande rosace de la façade avant est dédiée à Notre-Dame et la rosace la plus petite au-dessous représente les litanies de Marie. Même si cette cathédrale a été conçue d’après la cathédrale de Chartres, elle n’a plus d’un labyrinthe comme celui de Chartres. Le labyrinthe de Reims a été détruit à la fin du XVIIIe siècle.
Pour mieux voir la façade, nous avons pris une visite guidée. Il y a 63 statues d’une hauteur de 4.5 mètres avec l’une de Clovis au centre. Ma statue favorite est l’ange au sourire. Elle est le symbole de la ville de Reims. Il y a plusieurs d’autres anges sur la cathédrale, mais celui-ci est le plus connue.
En haut, les vues de la ville sont incroyables. Si les détails architecturaux vous intéressent, ce tour guidé est obligatoire. Les sculptures et les arcs boutant sont mémorables.
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