Senlis France Day Tripping from Paris to Get Lost for the Day
Even in our sleep deprived condition from the overseas flight it was so easy to get to Senlis France from Charles de Gaulle Airport. We rented a car and in less than 30 minutes we were in the Picardy Region literally halfway between Chantilly and Senlis. Half-way is really walking distance as it is only 9.5 km (5.9 miles) between Chantilly and Senlis. Senlis is the perfect place to get lost for the day if you are visiting Paris.
We had the whole day to explore the town and its historic ramparts before checking in to our B&B Les Chambres du Lys which was located on the west side of Chantilly between Chantilly and Royaumont Abbey. I highly recommend this B&B. The owners are very welcoming and the breakfast was very tasty and more than we could finish!
Senlis- a walled village
The ramparts attracted us to Senlis, fascinated by the idea of a village surrounded by a wall. Built in the 3rd century this 7-meter high wall only exists in part today. Senlis is known as the cradle of the Capetian Dynasty. Hugues Capet, elected King of the Francks in 987 , built his chateau against the Gallo-Roman Ramparts. At one time, thirty towers adorned this 4 meter thick wall. Today the remainders of the wall forms a circular enclosure in the center of Senlis.

Ramparts of Senlis, France
According to the plaque on the wall, the square donjon was constructed in the 9th and 11th century. The walls are 4 meters thick and it is 25 meters tall.

Senlis Donjon
As we followed the ramparts around the village we heard children playing and followed the sound. I marvel at how it would be to grow up in the midst of such antiquity! The school opened to a green-space within the ramparts where the children played and I had to wonder if they ever gave thought to the wall which surrounds their village.

Statue of Diana

Royal Residence of the Chateau
Senlis France Cathedral of Notre Dame

Church of Notre Dame
The cathedral was built between the 1100s and 1500s with the spire dating from the 1300s.

Stained glass of Saint Paul
Angels surround this statue of the Virgin and Child which overhangs the high altar of the church.

Virgin and Child
Cultural Senlis
I love the cobbled streets of this little town and apparently so do many movie producers. There is a long list of movies that have been filmed here but my favorite would have to The Count of Monte Cristo which is based on Alexandre Dumas’ novel.
In addition, Senlis can boast being home to the painter Seraphine Louis (Seraphine de Senlis, 1864-1942). ArtNet has a brief page about her life and paintings.

Seraphine Louis: L’Arbre de Vie
I find her painting methods using candle wax intriguing. The Musée d’Art et d’Archéologie in Senlis, France exhibits this painting.
Mon histoire de Senlis (en bref) en français…
Même privés de sommeil après le vol transocéanique, nous n’avons pas eu aucun problème à naviguer la route de Roissy à Senlis. Senlis est une ville fortifiée près de Chantilly. Les remparts ont attiré notre regard parce qu’à ce moment-là nous n’avons pas eu exploré beaucoup de cités fortifiées et je les trouve fascinantes.
Autrefois, 30 tours existaient dans ce mur de sept mètres. Quand Hugues Capet est devenu le roi des Francs en 987, il a construit son château près de cette muraille gallo-romaine. Environ une moitié du mur existe encore, entourant le centre de la ville. Le donjon du château a été construit entre les IXe et XIe siècles.
En suivant les murs, on entendait les enfants d’une école proche. Je m’émerveillais de la manière dont ce serait de grandir au milieu de l’antiquité. Ces enfants comprennent-ils que l’histoire les entoure ?
La cathédrale ici a été construite entre les XIIe et XVIe siècles. J’adore les anges qui entourent la statue de la Madone avec l’Enfant qui domine le maître-autel de l’église.
Faites attention à marcher car il existe de nombreuses rues pavées. Même s’ils sont difficiles à marcher, je les aime et bien sûr les producteurs de films les aiment aussi ! La vie culturelle prospère dans cette petite ville et nombreux films ont été tournés ici. Ce que je préfère, est le Comte de Monte Cristo, inspiré du roman d’Alexandre Dumas.
De plus, Séraphine de Senlis, Séraphine Louis 1864-1942, habitait et peignait ici. Le site ArtNet a un bref article au sujet de sa vie et ses peintures. Je suis intriguée par sa méthode de peinture avec de la cire de bougie. On trouve une peinture de Séraphine créée par cette méthode au musée d’Art et d’Archéologie.
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