
Saint Gengoux Pictures

Saint Gengoux Pictures – to share a bit of our cycling adventure. Come with us as we cycle around the countryside of St-Gengoux-le-National  in the Burgundy region of southern France.

Our cycle journey took us down quiet lanes, peaking inside small churches some of which date to the 12th century. Enjoy the wonderful views through photos and videos and see why we love this part of France.

I love all the rock walls that border the fields in this part of France. The tops were usually, but not always, bordered with barbed wire and always had wild flowers or grasses sprouting from their tops.

saint gengoux pictures


No matter where we cycled we had views either of sunflower fields or vineyards! Sometimes the climbs made my legs burn from the intense workout but the views ere reward enough to keep pushing along. Besides, the beautiful scenery gave me reason to stop and rest to take photos! My file folder of Saint Gengoux Pictures is quite large!



These next videos are brought to you by the tourism office in Saint Gengoux. The first video takes you the first festival of Organ-grinders from the summer of 2012.



This second video is narrated in French which is great for those of you that are Francophones. The video gives you a very good feel for this historic village so not speaking French will not deter from your enjoyment.


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