Architectural Details

Château de Montrésor

The village of Montrésor is perched on a cliff in the Loire Valley with the Château de Montrésor at the highest point. This is a beautiful little château in an idyllic setting and I had lots of fun trying to capture that "perfect photo" of "my treasure" (mon-trésor).     Perched high on a cliff ...

La Corroirie du Liget

La Corroirie du Liget

We spotted La Corroirie du Liget set back from the D760 on the edge of the forest as we were driving home from a day in Montrésor. It was one of those “after thought” stops. That’s what I like about driving some of the smaller roads in France. You never know what surprise you are going to find so we generally leave ...

La Chartreuse du Liget

La Chartreuse du Liget

Our first glimpse of La Chartreuse du Liget  was on our morning drive to Montresor, I knew we would have to return to see what was behind this magnificent gate. As we continued down the road (D760)  the length of the  surrounding wall and its watchtower amazed us. The château at Montrésor was lovely, as is the town, but ...

flame of liberty

Flame of Liberty

Read my story in French » What do Princess Diana and the Flame of Liberty have in common? In this post, I'll share what I discovered. Beneath Pont de l’Alma, Paris, in the tunnel, Princess Diana died in 1997 from injuries received in a car crash. Not far from this tunnel is Place de l’Alma where the Flame of Liberty ...

wall for peace

Wall for Peace – Mur de la Paix

Read my story in French » Is it possible that the Paris Peace monument, the Wall for Peace, is the city’s most overlooked monument? Being so close to the Eiffel Tower, I expected to find more people, possibly even crowds but both times I visited the Wall for Peace there were only an handful of people exploring this unique ...

Roman Mosaic in Grand

The enormous Roman mosaic in Grand France was the floor of the basilica of Adesina during Roman times. Adesina was the Roman name for the village we now know as Grand. One of the largest known mosaics in Europe, this restored mosaic measures 232 square meters. A Bit of History A little bit of research leads me to believe ...

grand amphitheater

Grand Amphitheater

The  Grand Amphitheater is a Gallo-Roman amphitheater found in Grand France in the Lorraine Region. It was one of the largest amphitheaters in the Roman Empire. Dedicated to Apollo Grannus  who  was one of several Gaulish dieties. Grannus was a god of healing Located on the outskirts of the town, the amphitheater was ...