
Fort Douaumont

Walking down into the bowels of Fort Douaumont is like stepping back in time. This fort was built in the late 1800s after the Franco Prussian War. During World War I it housed over 600 soldiers in its underground fortress.
Fort Douaumont

Fort Douaumont


Standing on top of the subterranean Fort Douaumont


Artillery Portals








Climbing to the 1200 foot top you can see the artillery portals and quickly realize the benefits of this high vantage point. The artillery portals still remain as a reminder of the bloodshed on this sunny peaceful day.

You can easily lose touch with the 21st century as you walk down into the fort. It is chilly and damp but that is probably not why you shiver. Be careful not to trip over the stalagmites that mottle the ground!


Stalagtites forming on the floor


Inside and deep underground








Barracks show the sleeping conditions; and latrines leave not doubt the stench that must have permeated the air.

A crude cross on the wall marks the location of a German cemetary.  Behind the wall are buried some 800 German soldiers,








The cross marks the location of a German cemetery.

Although there was ample air, death was suffocating in this place and it was a relief to emerge to sunshine and fresh air. However, we were all filled with the resolve to learn more about this war so that history cannot repeat itself.

On top of Fort Douaumont

On top of Fort Douaumont


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One response to “Fort Douaumont”

  1. Rose says:

    I was stationed with Delta comapny 249th Engr Bn in 1960 At Etain, France, In the Chamberly Air Force Bace. I visited all the battle of Verdun areas, I remenber the What was called the Engineer castle in Verdun..

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