
How to learn French if you are an Introvert

It’s hard to believe that Llyane has my French coach for 6 years. I’ve grown so much in confidence during that time and her post about introverts definitely spoke to me. As an introvert, I find it hard enough to initiate conversation in my native language much less have the courage to initiate it in a target language.

Just like everyone else I began my journey to fluency with two little words,  bonjour and merci . But I wanted more. My travel experiences have definitely been enhanced as a result. Had it not been for growing my language skills, I could never have had that memorable conversation during the history reenactment in MeauxThat conversation is one of the best memories of the trip!

If you want to grow beyond bonjour and merci, check out these techniques suggested by my French coach:

french introvertSo, do you fear that you are less talented at languages because you prefer reading to speaking?

With the right techniques, being an introvert can become an advantage when learning French.

Check out the article below for 4 quick and easy techniques to master French conversation even if you are an introvert, and watch the video for some French that doesn’t beat around the bush!

(This week: the verb BATTRE – to beat)


You probably are one of the many people who think that they’re not talented enough at languages.

And that could be the reason you’re not fluent yet. Or is it?

I’d like to remind you that talent is overrated, it’s important what strategies you’re using to have conversations that can make all the difference, when you are an introvert.

1. Control the length of your interactions

Going out to socialize and practice a language you barely know can be paralyzing for most introverts.

What am I saying? For most people.

When you know that you get uncomfortable in uncontrollable social events, set yourself a time limit.

Plan to stay 30 minutes or an hour, and let the people around you know, so that you can politely retire when the time is up.

This way, you can have a goal for yourself, which you can increase gradually.

2. Put your ‘alone’ time to work

If you get recharged by alone time, here are a few things that you can do to prepare for conversation.

Listen to my podcast and speak along with me. You can also use it for dictées, and speak out loud as you write down what you’re hearing.

Read your favorite French novel out loud.

Watch your favorite movie and speak along with the characters. Watch anything in French and try to speak along.

Speaking out loud is the one exercise that you can do at home to prepare for conversation.

Listen, this is not free license to abandon speaking practice in favor of listening to music, reading and watching movies. If you don’t practice conversation, you won’t be a conversationalist. It’s that simple.

3. Find your own way to get out of the comfort zone

Learning is always going to be uncomfortable.

Even a bit scary.

But if you don’t get out of your comfort zone, you can’t make any progress.

Learn the skill of making a fool of yourself and enjoying it.

Know that the more uncomfortable you are, the more and faster you grow.

4. Focus on one-on-one time

Take full advantage of one-on-one instead of a large group interaction.

Introverts tend to prefer the deeper conversations to the social butterfly approach.

Using my programs, you can easily find the help you need to speak confidently.

Best of all it’s on your terms, in the comfort of your home and with a clear time limit.

And now that you know what to do, go ahead and ‘just do it’ : )

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype and BREAK your language barrier!

Now it is your turn!

Tell us in the comments below, what are your strategies to go out and have conversations in French?


french on skype

Let me guess.

Do you constantly have the feeling that you can’t hear what the French say and you don’t know how to read all the French words because they are written so much differently than they sound?

Learn 3 secrets that will help you be self sufficient in the way you pronounce French words – even if you don’t know what they mean – so that you can read that sophisticated menu in your favorite French restaurant.



…and now, please SHARE this article with your friends. They’ll love you for it! : )

Always in your corner,




Photo credit: Amazon.com
Originally posted on J’Ouellette – Learn Parisian French


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