Place Lafayette Marché is Everyone’s Favorite Local Market

Here we are enjoying the cool morning air (which didn’t last until noon!).
Lafayette Marché Fountain
I love this fountain and statue found at Place Lafayette. I’ve got a page devoted just to the statuary and fountains in Angers and this one is particularly interesting.

Messenger of War
Exploring each Stall at Lafayette Marché
Some of these vendors are familiar favorites from years past, others are yet to be explored. I always walk through the whole market before making a purchase just to check out the prices and availability of fruits and veg.
It only takes visiting the same vendor a couple of times to become “a regular”. One of the things I love about markets in France is that if you don’t know how to cook a particular fish or cut of meat, just ask. The vendor is knowledgeable and very happy to explain.
Fresh Fish!
Because Angers is close to the coast, the seafood is fresh and appealing and there is much that I’ve never seen before, much less cooked. I’m always happy to let the vendor explain to me the cooking process. I must say that watching him skin an eel for a woman one morning was almost more information than I wanted to see.
One fall, we searched for organic apples for a tarte tatin. When our friend told the vendor she needed apples, he asked what she was cooking. He also wanted to know when she was cooking it. He next asked the size of the tart pan. With this information he proceeded to bag up a variety of different types of apples. He gave us a sample of each type selected so we would know the different flavors.

We enjoy thin slices of saucisson along side olives for an aperatif!
This morning we arrived early enough to capture this unimpeded view of one of the large stalls. It wasn’t empty for long! The day promises to be scorcher so everyone was out while the temperature was a bit more enjoyable.
I love buying fresh lettuce at the market. There is nothing like quite like it to those of us who normally shop at a super market where vegetables have been in transit for days or weeks before we purchase them. According to the vendor, she picked this lettuce early this morning. This evening we will have a salad with goat cheese, walnuts and a traditional French “sauce” (dressing).
Next on to the supermarché for those things that were not at the market, paper towels, soap, etc. But….. here is a glance at the bons produits (the good things) that we bought!

I’m looking forward to all the good things that will come from this!
I found a lovely piece of street art today and passed quickly by another on the tram. I’ll post them as soon as I have a group of them.
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