Offline Map APPS to Keep Your Trip Organized
As for moi? I like to look at the paper map before I hit the road so I have a general idea in my head as to my route. I feel it gives me a better sense of the “big picture”. But my offline map apps get well used once I’m on the road.
NOTE! This post has been augmented by a second post with more recommended apps by frequent travelers. You’ll find that link just after the map at the bottom of this post.
Paper maps or offline map apps : which do you prefer
I love having a paper map of France when planning my trip. For example, each trip to Paris or any city finds me marking the sights I want to see and then planning my route for each day. Once I’m on location, I then shift to my phone.
This Paris metro map is updated and specifically designed for you phone. Just open the link on your phone, download and save to your photos. I’m all about not using up data on my phone if I don’t have to! You can also print it out before you leave home and take a paper copy with you. If you’ve never read a metro map before, have a look at my Paris Metro page for assistance.
If you have unlimited data on your phone when traveling abroad then I’m a bit jealous. Even if you have an international data plan for your trip, why use up your data allowance when you don’t have to? I’ve been searching for apps that will provide me with accurate maps but also allow me to remain offline. Here is what I’ve found.
APPS: Offline Map Apps of France
You’ll need to be online to download these maps but once you’ve done that, the apps require no internet connection. : This app is great! It’s installed on my Ipad Mini. I can download the maps I need while on my home wifi and then the map is ready to use when I need it. What’s not to love about the ease of this Paris map. You can see from the screen clip that it denotes bus stops, metro stops, cafés, museums, numerical addresses etc. According to their website this app is available for Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Blackberry and Amazon Kindle Fire. screen shot from Ipad Mini is a free download which you can access for your specific download
Paris Metro Map
Paris Metro Map and Route Planner: This is a wonderful metro map for Paris. The newest version also features POI (Point of Interest) which allows you to find the metro station nearest the landmark you want to visit. Another great feature is the “onward travel”. Just tap your metro stop, then tap Onward Travel when the small navigation box opens and you are then transported to a street map. This app functions both on and offline and is officially licensed from the RATP. This one of the offline map apps is available on iTunes for Apple users and Google Play for Android users.

Paris Metro Map and Route Planner screen shot from Ipad Mini
Bonjour RATP: This offline map app is for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, and 7. The app allows you to not only see the metro map and bus map but it also allows you to view live departures and plan a journey. Just tap the metro stop of departure [I tapped Gare d’Austerlitz] then tap “To” in the query box to enter your destination [I entered metro stop Place d’Italie]. The destination can be either a location such as the Tour Eiffel or it can be a metro stop. Bonjour RATPis also available for your iPhone.

RATP metro map screen shot Windows Phone
Note that once the journey is previewed, you have the options to see it on the map.

RATP screen shot from Windows Phone
If you’ve used offline map apps that you’d like to review and share on this page, please enter in the comment box below. I’d love to hear from you!
Although this Google Map is not offline, not an APP and not a paper map, I still believe that as a map it can be useful. I use this map frequently when searching for lodging. Descriptions often describe an apartment or hotel’s location via arrondissement . That makes this Google Map of Paris’ arrondissements perfect to help me decide if it is a location I would be happy with.
More travel apps from frequent travelers to France can be found here in the latest 2022 blog post.
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