
Villevêque – a Small Town That Thinks Big

Villevêque - Quelle histoire!  What a story ! You can arrive by bike, car or bus. We chose the bus since we didn't want to rent a car and because it was on the city bus-line out of Angers, France. We wanted to visit the Château de Villevêque. It is connected to the Musée de Beaux Arts in Angers so ...

dames d'anjou

Les Dames d’Anjou by Laure Duquesne

Les Dames d’Anjou (The Ladies of the Anjou) is part of the Échappées d’Art project in Angers which began in 2016. This year, 2018, there are multiple art projects to enjoy. The street art first captivated me and I had a great time searching out all the invited paintings as well as the random ...

street art

Street Art Discoveries in Angers – Summer 2018

The new street art in Angers was such a lovely surprise this year! I have always seen the occasional work such as this beautiful blue rose and what I believe to be an opossum. However, their origins are unknown to me. After writing this post, I discovered another piece of street art while walking along ...

jardin des plantes

Jardin des Plantes – An Urban Oasis

Profitez bien du beau temps! Take advantage of the good weather! We definitely did that today as we set out to enjoy the Jardin des Plantes here in Angers. Parking close to the Jardin du Mail gave us the chance to see the newly finished work on Avenue Jean d'Arc.   Avenue Jean d'Arc What ...


Brocantes- One of my Favorite Activities in France Besides Local Markets

Brocantes - one of my favorite ways to while away a morning on a summer weekend. Every first Sunday of the month, Angers has an antiquities brocante held in the shadow of the Château. We had a wonderful time exploring each of the stalls. If by chance you see a sign for a brocante or a vide grenier, ...

lafayette marché

Place Lafayette Marché is Everyone’s Favorite Local Market

Lafayette Marché it is good to see you again! Our first day back and this Saturday morning we headed to the neighborhood market  - Lafayette Marché. Although Angers has a huge marché on Place Mail every Saturday, we prefer this smaller market. Like many of the neighborhood markets here in Angers, it ...

Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois – The Former Royal Parish Church When the Louvre Was the Royal Residence

Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois appears to be a massive church, flanking the majestic bell tower on both sides. At least that was what we first thought! However, that bell tower and its lovely clock, are actually part of the town hall  (mairie) for the first arrondissement. [caption id="attachment_5481" ...