French Pear Cake with Pear Brandy
This French pear cake with pear brandy is a house favorite! It was so simple to make. If you don’t want to use the brandy then that is not going to create a problem. We were gifted an amazing 20 year old bottle of Poire William (French pear brandy) and I wanted something to showcase the brandy. In ...
Vestiges of Vanishing Vespasiennes in Paris
The Vanishing Vespasiennes certainly has a catching ring to it, doesn’t it? Whether it be a boîte à sable, or a Vespasienne, when something is on the verge of disappearing, I just have to document it. Hence, my search for the last Vespasienne in Paris. Curiosity alone was enough to intrigue my ...
Offline Map APPS to Keep Your Trip Organized
Maps or APPS or APPS with Maps: Does anyone still use paper maps or is everyone using APPS ? The answer is Yes! to both. There are still those persons who prefer that paper map over the offline map apps on their phone. As for moi? I like to look at the paper map before I hit the road so I have a ...
Travel Guide Resources and Interesting Links
Are you ready to plan that trip abroad but you are not quite sure where to get started. On this page you'll find travel guide resources for VISAs and passports, travel insurance, and even a great source for the serious budget traveler. My website focuses on France but there are other tourism ...
Fear and Hope
Let's talk about fear and hope. What are your fears as a non-French speaking traveler? What’s it like to be a non- French speaking tourist in France? Once upon a not too long ago time, I was that non-French speaking tourist. How did I survive? I arrived with both fear and hope: fear ...
Exploring Moët and Chandon in Épernay
Who doesn’t love Champagne? Whether it is just a glass of Champagne or when it is part of an aperitif called a Kir Royal in the Burgundy Region, champagne is lovely. Our first tour included both history and a final tasting at Moët and Chandon Champagne House in Épernay. Both the tour and the ...
Near Gare St-Lazare in Paris there are two of Beautiful Churches with Vastly Differently Architectural Styles
Waiting for a train departure at Gare St-Lazare doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice valuable sight-seeing opportunities. There's more to Paris than listening to impromtu piano players in the train station. The quartiers around train stations often provide intriguing architectural finds. Near Gare ...