art nouveau

Art Nouveau Style in the 10th

Finding Art Nouveau style architecture in Paris is one of my favorite past-times.  Just a short stroll from Gare du Nord, I found some lovely Art Nouveau style buildings in the 10th arrondissement. So even if you are short on time, you can experience this very special aspect of Paris. Probably the ...

cirque dhiver

Cirque d’Hiver

Approaching the Cirque d’Hiver (Winter Circus) after dark is a breath-taking experience!  The building dates to 1852 and is the world’s oldest circus building still in use.  It was built so that the Cirque d’Été (Summer Circus) which took place every summer under a canvas tent in Paris would ...

Montrésor and Her Collegiate Church

Montrésor - what a beautiful village to visit! In fact, it boasts the title of one  the"plus beaux villages de France “ which translates to one of the most beautiful villages in France. There are 157 villages which have received this designation and Michelin provides a map of them. Stop in at a ...

Stravinsky Fountain

Stravinsky Fountain in Paris Exceeds His Gold Star on the Walk of Fame

Read my story in French » He may have a star on the Hollywood walk of Fame, but if you’ve ever seen the Stravinsky Fountain in Paris, you know that this monument to Igor Stravinsky is much more impressive than a brass star in the sidewalk! However, if you’re in Los Angeles, you can find ...

Château de Montrésor

The village of Montrésor is perched on a cliff in the Loire Valley with the Château de Montrésor at the highest point. This is a beautiful little château in an idyllic setting and I had lots of fun trying to capture that "perfect photo" of "my treasure" ...

La Corroirie du Liget

La Corroirie du Liget

We spotted La Corroirie du Liget set back from the D760 on the edge of the forest as we were driving home from a day in Montrésor. It was one of those “after thought” stops. That’s what I like about driving some of the smaller roads in France. You never know what surprise you are going to find so ...

La Chartreuse du Liget

La Chartreuse du Liget

Our first glimpse of La Chartreuse du Liget  was on our morning drive to Montresor, I knew we would have to return to see what was behind this magnificent gate. As we continued down the road (D760)  the length of the  surrounding wall and its watchtower amazed us. The château at Montrésor was ...