Photos Porte des Allemands

Porte des Allemands, Metz France
As you approach this city gate, you realize that mere pictures are not going to be able to capture its essence. In our modern day world it is just hard to envision a wall around a city with a gate this massive. This is a gate you step into, not through. Follow me as we cross the street, walk through the gate and into a small fortification. Once through the gate we have stepped into the fortification. Turning around your view is back to the street you crossed, looking through the two turrets.

Porte des Allemands and old city walls

Gate Towers
Exit the back side, being sure not to step in the path of oncoming cyclists.
You have now crossed the Seille River and exited the city as you would have done in the 13th century.

Having passed through Porte des Allemands you are now outside the city wall of Metz.

Porte des Allemands still serves as a passageway for traffic of all types.

Metz Porte Allemands
From this view point it is hard to believe you are in the 21st century. The Porte des Allemandes is a truly remarkably well-preserved piece of history!
I hope you’ve enjoyed these Porte des Allemands photos!
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