Tartiflette – A Comforting Cold-weather Dish
If you’ve never tasted the cheesy goodness known as Tartiflette, now is the time to starting making your shopping list. This is an easy dish to cook but depending on where you live you may have to search a bit to find the Reblochon cheese. Be persistent in your search, you will be well rewarded!
Tartiflette Ingredients
- 2 ¾ pounds potatoes
- 1/2 pound diced bacon (or lardons)
- 1 onion, thinly sliced
- 1 Reblochon cheese
- 2 tablespoons crème fraiche
- 1 cup dry white wine
Tartiflette Directions
- Peel and boil potatoes for 20 minutes (until a knife inserts easily into the potato). Drain potatoes and cool, then slice.
- While potatoes are boiling, thinly slice onions and cook over medium heat with the diced bacon. Cook slowly so as to not brown the onions.
- Butter a gratin dish and layer ½ the potatoes, then ½ the onion/bacon mix and repeat. Spread the crème fraiche over all and top with 1 cup of white wine.
- Slice Reblechon across the center of the wheel and place each half, evenly spaced, on top of the potatoes.
- Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes or until lightly brownedServe with a salad and white wine.

Enjoying tartiflette in Reims
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