French Spa Town Vichy France is a Marvel of Delights
French spa town Vichy in the Auvergne Region is an all-inclusive spa town about an hour drive north of Clermont-Ferrand. We learned so much during our visit as we knew nothing about the variety of hot springs and the mineral benefits of the different waters. Historically speaking, it was also the seat of government during World War II during Pétain’s collaboration with the Regime. This was the center of free France during the occupation by the Nazis.

Grand Établissement Thermal in Vichy formerly housed the thermal baths. It is located behind the Hall des Sources.
Vichy Mineral Springs
There are six different sources of mineral springs which you can easily sample at the Hall des Sources in Parc des Halles. These mineral waters claim to be a cure for 50 different ailments. Residents frequent these sources with such regularity that in the local pharmacies you can purchase a small graduated cup with its own straw carrying case for your personal use of the waters. The origin of some of the sources are actually in this building. Others, like Célestins have their own separate building.

Parc des Halles

Hall des Sources

Hall des Sources

Source Lucas
Each tap told you the source of the mineral spring, its temperature, what particulates it contained and what health benefit it carried. In the case of the two springs below, the actual source was there in the Hall and you could see the water bubbling up from underground. Note on the upper rim of the Chomel Source that the water temperature is 43.5 degrees Celsius!

Source de Chomel

Source de Grille – sometimes you could see the water “spurt” to the top of the cylindrical enclosure.
Parc des Célestins
We entered the Parc des Célestins through a shady path and wandered until we came upon a beautiful white building that houses the source. The pavilion was a peaceful place to sit and enjoy the shade and the restorative waters. The Célestins water is less mineralized than the other sources so it was, in my opinion, more refreshing. Yes, I had to try every available water just out of curiosity – some were acceptable, some barely tolerable, some difficult to swallow because of the smell and some refreshing.

Parc Celestins

The path led through a living tree

Pavilion that housed the Source of Celestins

Source de Celestins
French spa town Vichy France Parc des Sources
Napolean III laid out the Parc des Sources in the center of town in 1812. The park is truly an oasis in the middle of the city and a wonderful place to walk in the rain. A wrought-iron canopy covers the walkway around the park.

Covered walkway around Parc des Sources
This great little tea shop faces the park and made a delightful place to have breakfast. They had a wide selection of teas and coffees and wonderful croissants. The shop was at the end of a long covered area of shopping where a Saturday morning market was being held.

Vichy Spas
If you have the opportunity there are two all inclusive spas where you can experience a hot springs massage: Les Célestins and Centre Thermal des Dômes .
Vichy Saint-Blaise
This church of two-levels has some amazing frescoes that you should be sure to see while you are in Vichy. There is also a wonderful little café in the shadow of the church that we enjoyed. The day was extremely hot but the cool stone wall of the church rising up beside our table along with the continual shade made it a very pleasant place for lunch and as you can see, we were the first to arrive!

Lunch in the shadow of the church
Mon histoire de Vichy (en bref) en français…
Nous avons beaucoup appris lors de notre séjour à Vichy France, une ville thermale. Il y a six sources ici et chacune a ses propres avantages médicaux. En plus, Vichy occupe une position importante dans l’histoire. Il a été le centre du gouvernement français libre pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.
Néanmoins, ce l’histoire des sources thermales que je voudrais vous raconter. Ils en sont six et vous pouvez les goûter à la Halle des Sources dans le grand Parc des Sources. Il est dit que les eaux minérales peuvent soigner 50 maladies différentes.
Nous avons vu des personnes transporter leur « verre de cure » avec dosage dans son étui de paille. On peut acheter un verre avec l’étui à la pharmacie.
Certaines des sources ont leur origine sous la Halle mais d’autres, comme la source Célestins, ont leur origine abritée sous un autre bâtiment.
Dans cette Halle, chaque source a une plaque qui explique le contenu en particules, ses avantages et sa température. Grâce à un dôme de verre, nous pouvions observer l’eau jaillir du sol. Il était surprenant de lire que la source Chomel a une température de 43,5 degrés Celsius !
Nous avons visité le parc de Célestins où, à son fond, il y a un pavillon qui abrite cette source. J’ai trouvé que l’eau de Célestins était moins minéralisée que les autres. Comme le parc autour de nous, l’eau de Célestins était rafraîchissante. Je dois dire que certaines des eaux minérales avaient une mauvaise odeur et leur goût était également mauvais. Mais l’expérience des dégustations était intéressante.
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